Several years ago, facial masks that are identical to our products and products that used the name and logo of “TRANSINO”, but which were completely different from our products, were being distributed in China. While we were informed that counterfeit goods were on the market, when we actually confirmed IPF’s report, counterfeit goods were being broadly distributed more than we imagined, and I remember being shocked at the news.
The security of receiving a monthly report of the results from researching the various sites is an extremely important factor. Since IPF understands the characteristics of each platform, IPF is able to propose solutions in addition to notifying us of the research results, and thus it is easy for us to make plans for the measures that need to be taken, and I feel that IPF is truly dependable.
IPF is monitoring counterfeit goods extensively, and we use the statistics of overseas sites as the basic data for deciding what action should be taken next and what sales strategy we should adopt next. Since this data can also be used for determining the potential of our brands, and determining the level of distribution of our products in the market of each country irrespective of whether there are counterfeit goods, distribution of our products = demands for our products at that location. While this deviates slightly from counterfeit goods, I feel that IPF’s services are also of help in this respect.