IPF Group investigates counterfeit goods, illicit articles and illegal items in major marketplaces, flea markets and social media sites around the world, and report the actual conditions in a timely manner. The service can fundamentally resolve counterfeiting problems by coordinating with IPF on-site anti-counterfeiting(Offline Enforcement Support) measures and enforcing the counterfeiters on site.
Service range
With the largest number of investigators of firm in Japan, IPF group is not limited to trademark and copyright infringement investigations and enforcement, but also have extensive experience in handling sophisticated patent infringement cases, and can provide rational countermeasures against counterfeit products in cooperation with attorneys.
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IPF Group has several offices in China which allow to collect and update latest and accurate information at all times that have a proven track record in handling various types of research projects over many years. Based on Japanese and Chinese attorneys, patent attorneys and consultants familiar with business in both Japan and China to work together as a team, IPF handles highly sophisticated cases requiring special expertise of various regulations and technical knowledge, and comprehensively support your business in China by proposing reasonable rates and feasible solutions.
Service range
Having law firms in Japan and China, IPF Group has business ties with numerous law firms located in Southeast Asia. Japanese attorneys are also familiar with legal affairs in China and Southeast Asia, and by coordinating with attorneys admitted in China or attorneys admitted in Southeast Asia, IPG Group can comprehensively support your legal work, with a focus on IP legal affairs, in Japan and other Asian countries.
Service range
As IPF Group owns a trademark application firm and a patent application firm in China, which are duly authorized by the Chinese government, and the staff are fluent in Japanese, English and capable of offering Japan-quality services to meet your needs of registering IP rights such as Chinese trademarks and patents.
Service range
IPF Group provides one-stop services for registration, investigation, detection, warning, litigation, customs injunction, etc. related to intellectual property rights in major Southeast Asian countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Singapore, etc.).
Service range